Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Ryan's Disgusting Hope
Here's where Illinois Republican Senate candidate Jack Ryan crosses the line from "kinky dude who cost himself a marriage" to "scumbag." The story goes that Jack tried to get wife Jeri Ryan (gratuitous picture of ‘ole 7 of 9 follows) to go to a few sex clubs in New York, Paris and New Orleans.
Jeri didn't wanna go into a place featuring "cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling." I guess she wanted to go to sex clubs in LA. Why else be an actress best known for skin tight spandex and silicon implants other than for the sex?
So what. Big deal.
It gets a little dicier when you see Jack parsed his words with Clintonesqe skill. Jack Ryan said in a court filing. "I did arrange romantic getaways for us but that did not include the type of activities she describes."
All that means is that he didn't plan sex club trips as part of the getaways. Then again, once they were on the getaway and a club happened, just by chance, to be on their tour route, why not stop in! Purely spontaneous! And no perjury!
Again, so what. Big deal. It's lying, but politico lying.
Here’s where the big deal comes. Jack says that he wanted the records kept sealed to prevent his 9-year old son from suffering. “The first job of a dad, of any parent is to protect your children," he said to reporters.
What utter crap.
Raise your hand, anyone moronic enough to believe that Jack wanted to spare his CHILD from the embarrassment of having a kinky dad.
You want to hide behind privacy? Fine.
You want to hide behind parsed statements? Fine.
You want to hide behind your nine year old son?
Mazel Tov to Jeri for dumping this piece of filth. And I hope the parents of the students where Jack teaches high school all learn the right lesson from this "teacher."
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