Friday, August 06, 2004

Thunderous Applause

Dave Duncan, Cardinals pitching coach, has called out the travesty that is Barry Bonds' elbow armor. From the St. Louis Post Dispatch:

Pitching coach Dave Duncan was even more blunt. He believes body armor worn by Bonds emboldens the Giants slugger, allowing him to crowd the plate. Friday he took a pitch from Ray King off a protective plastic guard that covers his right elbow without flinching.

"If he didn't have all that armor on, there would be no time we wouldn't approach him as if we can get him out," Duncan said. "But the fact he wears all that stuff lets him get right on top of home plate and makes it very difficult to pitch to him in a tough situation."

Duncan said the protective armor "absolutely" gives Bonds an advantage. "You don't see anybody else wearing it," Duncan said. "What reason he wears it, I don't know. But it lets him do something he would not do if he didn't have it on - and that's get right on top of home plate."

Barry Bonds should be ashamed. So should Jeff Bagwell and the "sponge glove" he wears on his left hand. The commissioner needs to step in and declare that any pitch that hits body armor is a ball and not a free trip to first. Too bad Selig won't do anything about it. Even worse, we fans have to watch pitchers pitch to only the outside of the plate.

Bob Gibson must roll his eyes every time he sees this crap.

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