Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Decision Gate

Today's the day that the Cubs must make decisions on several of their free agent players. Free agents must be offered arbitration by their clubs or the players are unable to resign with their original clubs until May 1st of the following year (check me on that date).

Supposedly, the Cubs will NOT offer arbitration to Todd Walker and Nomar Garciaparra. That means that if you don't see something in tomorrow's paper that these two have signed with the Cubs, they won'e be coming back.

Supposedly, the Cubs WILL offer arbitration to Todd Hollandsworth. Now this strikes me as a little unusual. Maybe the new trainer that came over from the Cardinals finally knows if Todd is healthy or not!

Go Right Ahead

Kate Beckinsale is threatening to quit the movie industry. Why? She doesn't like reading false stories about herself. "Recently, for instance, I keep reading stories about myself that are totally untrue. I find myself wondering, 'Do I love my job enough to put up with that?' And I'm not sure that I do."

Well, Kate, you've made a lot of money making crap like Van Helsing, Underworld, Laurel Canyon, Serendipity and Pearl Harbor. Go ahead. Give that up. I'm sure someone with your qualifications would have no trouble finding a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries.

When a Linday Lohan can not only out act you, but pick better scripts, your career ain't too hot.

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