Saturday, January 29, 2005

Taking the Pulse

Surfing the Cubs Blog ring, you get a taste of how Cub Nation is feeling about the trade (all links available on the right).

The Cubs Reporter takes the news road. They round up the articles and agree with the opinion that more work is needed to be done.

The Sloth reports from St. Peters on the beatification of Jim Hendry. This page take the opinion that Jim Hendry, while doing an above average job, has yet to earn a home in the Rabbi Hall of Fame until he pulls off a risky move. Now, dumping Sosa for an oft-injured leadoff hitter could be risky, but Sammy’s exiting act made it easy. Hendry will be due the Saint title if he fills in the outfield. But it’s not earned yet.

Al Yellon goes very personal and gives us a fond farewell to a player whom deserved the thoughts a few years back. He also acknowledges that Sosa needed to go and that an Aubrey Huff would be an upgrade.

Mike "Cubs Pundit" Comar goes off on Phil Rodgers column. Chill, Mike. Hendry may not have performed three miracles yet, but Burnitz wouldn’t be a final move.

Most places seem to have a very reasonable take. But The Cubdom is living up to it’s name. Byron’s all worried that Jason DuBois won’t get a fair shake. And Corey, too.

"I just want to be assured that C-Pat and Dubois are penciled into the starting lineup on a regular basis."

Pardon me, but HUH?!?!?!?

If reports are accurate, the Cubs will save close to $12 million in salary with Sosa gone. They have financial resources that make any one they desire affordable. They have a rotation that represents a once in a generation opportunity to win a title. But, don’t get Huff and don’t lead off Hairston because Jason DuBois deserves a shot and Korey needs to improve?

Pardon me, Byron, but the Cubs’ Fans deserve to see a winner. Yeah, and you want to avoid what the Marlins do. Well, the Marlins have won two titles in 10 years while the Cubs have won two in the last 100.

By all means, don’t be the Marlins and play DuBois. Just brilliant.

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