Thursday, February 17, 2005
History Lesson
Just some cross-links today. Got a few deals that need to get done in the real world. The Hardball Times (linked at right) has a trilogy of articles on the Cubs of the 1960's. Two of the three articles have been published. Check the two articles out.
The Williams-Santo Cubs: 1961-1965
The Williams-Santo Cubs: 1966-1969
I'm sure the third article is forthcoming.
H-E Double Hockey Sticks
A quick note on the NHL. I can't believe that the press seems to be so anti-player. All they wanted was a free market. The owners wanted profit protection and a disincentive to field competitive (read: expensive) teams.
How can a bunch of men, so successful in a capitalistic economy that they are able to afford purchasing multi-million dollar sports franchises, shut down an industry over the failure to impose socialistic rules?
Screw the owners. I'm pro union here all the way.
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