Tuesday, July 19, 2005

No Kybosh, Just A Quell

All the papers throw water on the Juan Pierre talk, but they do make clear that they don't view Jerry Hairston as a long term option. Jim Hendry is obviously shopping for another center fielder as Corey isn't coming back and Felix Pie is going to need at least a few weeks to get his swing back after missing a month with a sprained ankle.

The other rumor being toned down is on Austin Kearns. They suggest that Rich Hill gets it done for the Reds. I'm not sure I pay that much for a guy who's numbers declined each year he was in the majors and was demoted by the big club.

What's positive is that deals are being discussed, and not for the Preston Wilsons of the world.

Well, when your team is still four games under their high water mark, and that high mark was still a very low tide, you better be looking for players better than Preston Wilson.

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