Thursday, October 06, 2005


A few weeks back, The Wife and I burned through the DVDs of season one of Lost. It was like crack. An ep would end and we'd just start the next one. We probably watched the whole season in about 7 days. It was great. The show was a lot of fun. It had twisted plot lines, multiple plot lines, whacky characters, monsters and polar bears, mysteries. The show was one of the most original things I'd ever seen.

Can I get a change of clothes?What was going on on this island? Were they dead and in purgatory? Some good vs. evil fight? Where is the radio transmitter? Why were "the numbers" transmitted from the island as far back as World War II? Was Claire's baby a "Christ" character?

We couldn't wait for the second season to start.

Well, some things just aren't worth waiting for. So far, we've seen the same scene three times. About two-thirds of the cast has been basically ignored. We're given gobbledygook about Dharma that seems more red herring than actual plot development (and makes me long for the Geordi LaForge days of "phase inducer" tech speak). The raft gets blown up and the stand Great White shark attacks. Didn't see that coming.

It seems that the writers got so interested in "the vault" that they forgot about everything else. Well, maybe Locke will stay at the computer and we'll never see him again. Too bad if it means losing Locke as a character, but good if it means the end of the Vault.

Not much of a payoff so far. What a let down.

And so little Evangeline Lilly.

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