Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Some Questions
Is Carlos Zambrano ready to reclaim his title as best pitcher in the NL?
Is Kerry Wood ready to retire?
Why should Kerry Wood get to pitch 4 innings per week in the majors instead of Jae Kuk Ryu? Or Angel Guzman? Or Jerome Williams? Or Rich Hill?
How the hell did Jacque Jones get to .300?
Doesn't that mean that Jacque is now due for a 3-39 streak?
Why are people celebrating the return of Roger Clemens and his lazy, unwilling to be a full-time teammate, ass?
Why shouldn't Drew Tate get his car?
Was House, Lost or 24 the best show on TV last year?
Is Jennifer Morrison the best looking, but worst actress on TV? (At least she is a Cubs fan)
Is Hugh Laurie the worst looking, but best actor on TV?
If Dusty Baker is going to get his contract renewed after getting a healthy team back, shouldn't he be suing Jim Hendry for giving him Kerry Wood to be part of that healthy unit?
Why can't Dave Otto be in the booth with Pay Hughes every game?
Is anyone actually reading this? Hello?
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