Friday, July 20, 2007

Pre Pottering

Yeah, I'll probably be buyin the last Harry Potter book this weekend. I'm not going to venture a guess on who lives or who dies. I will venture that it will be revealed that Lilly Potter magically transferred her eyes to Harry. There's got to be a reason that every book has a line about Harry, "having Lily's eyes."

What I will also venture is that the book will be pretty mediocre. Which will be an improvement from books V and VI. In fact, it's going to be hard to surpass the awfulness of "Half Blood Prince." And entire series built upon solving fun mysteries and J.K. Rowling spends an entire book on flashbacks? Bleah. The "Star Wars" wand/blaster fight at the end of "Order of the Phoenix"? Pretty obvious the movies were influencing her writing at that point. That last section of the book read like a screenplay.

Ah well. The books are fun reads, especially the first three. Let's all hope "Deathly Hallows" is more "Prisoner of Azkaban" than "Goblet of Fire."

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