Saturday, January 24, 2009


Bruce Miles goes with a summary of the Tribune's tenure today as owners of the Cubs. He picks a few choice people to quote.
"It's good to see the Tribune go," said Chuck Gitles, who runs the blog Ivy Chat. "I'm sure that a lot of past CEOs like Denis FitzSimons and Stanton Cook wanted to win. But ultimately they were responsible to stockholders. The big plus to private ownership is that a new owner can run the Cubs like a private yacht. It's their luxury item to show off and brag about.

"Who cares how much it costs to maintain? The Trib as an owner with stockholders always had to care about costs."

Hard to disagree with that.

There are other people quoted in the article, people who deserve to be ripped for what they say in the article and how it conflicts with what they've said in the past and how it shows how clueless they are about the nature of business.

But we'll save that for another day.

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